Here you can find an overview of our current and past research. Click on the links to find more information. If you are interested on joining our team to work on one of these activities, please contact us at any of our institutional email address or go to the dedicated page.

Device Physics, Characterization

Transistor Physics and Reliability

  • III-V MOSFETs (Logic Beyond 10-nm node)- Analysis of I-V Hysteresis, C-V Frequency Dispersion, Trap Dynamics, Mobility Degradation, Variability, etc.
  • GaN HEMTs (High Power, High Frequency) – Analysis of Performance Degradation, Current Collapse, Breakdown Dynamics, etc.
  • Ferroelectric FETs (Memory, High Switching) – Analysis/Design of Ferroelectric FETs for Memory/Logic Applications, Reliability Modeling

Emerging Non-Volatile Memories (eNVMs)

  • Advanced compact modeling and characterization of RRAM and FTJ devices
  • Advanced measurement and characterization of Random Telegraph Noise in RRAM devices
  • Statistical low-frequency noise assessment in eNVMs
  • Physics-based multi-scale modeling of Random Telegraph Noise, Dielectric Breakdown, Reliability of eNVMs
  • Characterization and modeling for reliability (defects spectroscopy, charge trapping, capacitance-frequency measurements and modeling, reliability and degradation)

Innovative Circuits & Systems

  • Novel Computing Architectures
  • Neuromorphic and brain-inspired spiking networks for edge computing
  • Low-precision and binary neural networks for ultra-low power units
  • Logic-in-Memory for next-generation edge digital hardware
  • Hardware-intrinsic security: True Random Number Generators and Physical Unclonable Functions based on eNVMs

Current Projects

YESvGaN will establish a new class of vertical GaN power transistors which combines the performance benefits of vertical Wide Band Gap (WBG) transistors with the cost advantages of established silicon technology. These transistors can replace IGBTs and thus reduce power conversion losses in many price-sensitive applications ranging from power supplies in data centers to traction inverters for electric vehicles. YESvGaN covers the development of the required new technology all the way from wafer to application.

Contact Person(s): Paolo Pavan, Giovanni Verzellesi, Nicolò Zagni
Type of Funding: ECSEL (RIA)

GaN4AP project has the ambitious target of making the GaN-based electronics to become the main power active device present in all power converter systems, with the possibility of developing a close-to-zero energy loss power electronic systems.

Contact Person: Nicolò Zagni
Type of Funding: ECSEL (IA)

BeFerroSynaptic. The ultimate goal of BeFerroSynaptic is to develop a technology platform based on back-end-of-line (BEOL) integrated ferroelectric HfO2-based synaptic devices to tackle the challenges of next generation electronic devices. Our attempt is to demonstrate the feasibility of its adoption in an extremely energy-efficient neuromorphic computing architecture that goes far beyond the conventional CMOS paradigm.

Contact Person: Francesco Maria Puglisi
Type of Funding: Horizon 2020 (RIA)

ADAS+ Sviluppo di Tecnologie e Sistemi Avanzati per la Sicurezza dell’Auto mediante piattaforme Advanced Driver Assistance System

Il progetto ADAS+ ha la finalità di sviluppare un dimostratore innovativo di assistenza alla guida sicura (ADAS+) capace di monitorare, in maniera tempestiva e continua:

il livello psico‐fisico del guidatore attraverso la combinazione di segnali fisiologici (variabilità cardiaca) e visivi mediante sistemi di face recognition con telecamere a luce visibile e IR. 

lo stato di ebbrezza del guidatore 

la qualità dell’aria dell’abitacolo.

Contact Person(s): Paolo Pavan, Andrea Amidei
Type of Funding: PON

Past Projects

III-V-MOS. The project concerns the development of TCAD tools for the numerical simulation of CMOS-based devices based on III-V materials, the use of which is potentially expected in the near future for high performance applications. The aim of the project is to develop, validate and transfer to the industry accurate physical models and new simulation methods, which allow for the anticipation of complex quantum mechanisms and quasi-ballistic transport properties that affect the behavior of devices in size nanometer-based semiconductors III-V. Contact Person(s): Paolo Pavan, Giovanni Verzellesi, Nicolò Zagni