Dr. Zagni, Prof. Puglisi, and Prof. Pavan are the UNIMORE co-authors of the review article entitled “Reliability of HfO2-Based Ferroelectric FETs: A Critical Review of Current and Future Challenges” published on the prestigious journal Proceedings of the IEEE on the
New Contributed Chapter – Springer Handbook of Semiconductor Devices
The “Springer Handbook of Semiconductor Devices” has been released online on the editor’s webpage at this link. The book contains the contributed chapter “Negative capacitors and applications” co-authored by Nicolò Zagni. The chapter discusses the tremendous opportunities for CMOS technology
Sara Vecchi is awarded the “Best Student Paper Award” and the “People’s Choice Award” at the 2022 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS)
Sara Vecchi, Ph.D. student of the International Ph.D. school in ICT, has been awarded both the “Best Student Paper Award” and the “People’s Choice Award” at the 2022 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS) for her research contribution “The Relevance
New Article Published in ‘Science’ Magazine
Professor Puglisi is one of the co-authors of the article entitled “Memristive technologies for data storage, computation, encryption, and radio-frequency communication” published on the prestigious journal Science on June 3rd, 2022. The article features a new roadmap on memristive technologies,
Three Papers Accepted at ESSDERC 2022
We are glad to share that three papers from our group have been accepted at the 52nd European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC) which will be held on March 19-22 2022 in Milan, Italy. The accepted papers are the following:
Lorenzo Benatti Won the Best Student Paper Award at IIRW 2021
Lorenzo Benatti won the “Best Student Paper Award” at the latest IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop (IIRW), held virtually in October 2021. In the article, entitled “Understanding the Reliability of Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction Operations using an Advanced Small-Signal Model”, the
Our Papers Accepted at latest IRPS
Great News! Three out of three submitted papers from our group have been accepted at the latest International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS) which will be held on March 27-31 2022 in Dellas, TX. The accepted papers are the following: S.
Call for a New PhD Position – Neuromorphic Computing
A Call for a New PhD Position on the research theme: “Neuromorphic Computing Hardware for Low-Power Edge-AI” is now available. Please find more details about the research theme on the dedicated page. The full call and application procedure are available
YesVGaN – Kick-Off Meeting
On Friday, May 7th, the project entitled “YesVGaN” officially started. The virtual Kick-Off meeting was the first official task of the project, to get every partner acquainted with the project management and schedule and – most importantly – to get
New Transistors Paper Published
Our paper entitled: “The Role of Carbon Doping on Breakdown, Current Collapse, and Dynamic On‐Resistance Recovery in AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors on Semi‐Insulating SiC Substrates” was published on Physica Status Solidi (A). DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201900762